Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The AIM Board is meeting this week to discuss changes and corrections that need to be made to the AIM program. If you have suggestions, please email Juliet @ prestonpiano@gmail.com


  1. One of my biggest frustrations with AIM is the inconsistency of the judging. They have told us that this is to be a positive experience for the kids, but I feel like I am giving a lesson because they don't know their technique at all. I literally put one girls hands on the keys for the sight reading because I had already spent so much time with her and she could not figure out the notes to start on. The whole thing ended up being wrong. These kids need to be more prepared to be part of this. It is so hard to be positive when they literally can play a thing you ask them to play let alone stay on time. Then when you get a student who can whip through everything, I find it hypocritical to mark them down for anything when compared to what I had just gone through with the difficult student.
    I also hate that the level 4's are doing so many chords inversions and arpeggios - ACK! Really??? Why do they need to play 7th chord too? Most of them haven't even gotten to this stuff in their theory. It needs to be modified because they, at their age, can't keep it all in their heads.
    The ear training tests are another frustration that I have told people about since they changed them, but nothing has been done about it. The cadences are wrong. Also, teachers need to use a metronome when doing the dictation. As good as we think we are, we don't always play it the same tempo and even the rhythms get changed when I listen to some of them.
    I also want to put my 2 cents in about FAIM being tied to AIM. I have students that have done every level of AIM and I don't think they should be denied the plague and luncheon because they are not a part of FAIM. FAIM is it's own entity that should not be part of AIM. These kids are so busy now a days that some of them just don't need one more thing to do. I understand that they need to be part of this if they want a scholarship and that's fine, but if they put in the work to complete level 10 as asked, then they should in no way be required to be FAIM members just to get recognized at a luncheon. My students could care less about what FAIM is, they are just going through the motions to get the recognition they deserve. This needs to be put to a vote in the chapters and not just in a small room of people who want to make decisions for all of us.
    Tricia West

  2. Tricia,

    I have read these comments and appreciate your effort to communicate your concerns to the State. AIM is undergoing changes over a period of time to make it better serve the students, so I will consider those things that apply directly to AIM. Inconsistencies with judging need to be directed to the local chair first. The State provides technique judging guidelines to every chapter but cannot enforce those. Feedback to the Chapter chairman is the best route for that. Students who are not prepared will receive lower grades, and the teachers will have to be accountable for that. Being positive is a challenge in those times, I agree! But that should not dissuade you from giving high marks to a well-prepared student.

    As for FAIM, I do not have anything to do with it being tied to AIM. Someone you could share your thoughts with is Debra Gamero or present it to the State Board.

    Thank you for checking with the blog and posting!
